F1FR56 QREC Series Sprinklers

Reliable Models F1FR56 QREC and F1FR56 QREC Recessed Sprinklers are quick response sprinklers which combine the durability for a standard sprinkler with the attractive low profile of a decorative sprinkler. These sprinklers have demonstrated response times in laboratory tests which are five times faster than standard response sprinklers. This quick response enables these sprinklers to apply water to a fire faster than standard response sprinklers of the same temperature rating. Available temperature rating :

  • 57o C / 135o / Max Ambient 100°F (38°C) : Bulb color Orange
  • 68o C / 155o / Max Ambient 100°F (38°C) : Bulb color Red
  • 79o C / 175o / Max Ambient 150°F (66°C) : Bulb color Yellow

Concealed Pendent, HSW EC-8, Pendent, Recessed HSW EC-8, Recessed Pendent.

5.6 (80)

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ask us about fire dan safety protection. We also provide consultation regarding the installation of fire safety in a building or factory

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